15th November marks the beginning of Children's Grief awareness week in the UK. Having a daughter who lost her Father at the age of 3, we have worked through different levels of grief is over the last 10 years. I hope by sharing some books and the places you can find support & advice in this blog post, that it might help others who are in a similar situation. 

When my daughter Lottie lost her Dad aged 3 the internet wasn't such an informative place, Instagram hadn't started and I grabbed on to any support or information on what I should do for the best for her when I could. A friend told me about the charity Winstons Wish and I remember calling them the minute I'd put the phone down to her, for any support in what I should do / say to Lottie in her current situation. 

At just 3 and a half she didn't have any concept of feelings and emotions that she was going through. It was very simple explanations regarding Ade's death such as 'His body stopped working' rather than he had cancer. 

Where as a young teenager going through grief will be experiencing way more emotions. I have always encouraged her to talk to me about her feelings and never pushed her to talk. I would just let her know I was always there when she did want to talk. 

One of the key things I found useful was making a memory box for her.

We put together a box with all sorts of things from photos to things he owned which would help her to build up a picture of what her Dad was like. 

 Here's some links to Books we found useful ( and some I've since found ) to help children come to terms & understand their feelings after loosing a parent or loved one.

Mark Lemon's The Magical Tree available from www.lemondropbooks.co.uk



Mark is an award winning author, who lost his Father when he was 12. Mark wrote this book to help bereaved children cope with their grief and loss.

Mark also has a podcast called Grief is my superpower which you can find on Itunes.

 Aways and Forever Amazon


No Matter What -  Amazon

Rabbityness - Amazon 

Badgers Parting Gifts - Amazon

Miffy Amazon 

There are a number of charity's around that offer all sorts of support lines and information.

Here's some links to the sites.


Winston’s Wish Freephone National Helpline  08088 020 021
Support, guidance and information for anyone caring for a bereaved child or a child facing the imminent death of a family member.

Grief Encounter  www.griefencounter.org.uk

Helpline: 0808 802 0111

Child Bereavement Network

Hope Again  -  https://www.hopeagain.org.uk/

Young Minds

YoungMinds is the national charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 

Cruse Bereavement Care
Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.
Helpline: 0844 477 9400

Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.
Support Line: 0800 02 888 40 

Counselling Directory
Counselling Directory have developed a service that brings together all of the information needed to help connect people with the right counsellor or professional support for them.

Childline Place where young people can talk confidentially about any issues they are dealing with. 

We support the charity Winstons Wish by donating part of the profits from sales of the 1970 design products below.

1970 Tshirt 

Worn here by Helen @40notgivingupyet whose nephew received support when he lost his Mum, Helen's Sister. 

1970 Hoodie

November 15, 2019

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